Recently the Radiological Protection Service (RPS) of La Fe University and Politechnical Hospital at Valencia, Spain, joined the WHO REMPAN network as Liaison Institution (LI). Dr Juan Ignacio Villaescusa head of RPS is the focal point of the new REMPAN LI.
Established in 1988, RPS aims at building up an efficient ionizing radiation surveillance program for health workers. Assessing and evaluating adverse radiological effects from medical diagnostic or therapeutic exposure in patients and medical staff is another task. Monitoring systems are established to assess radiation risk of the general public from possible exposure by radioactive installations. Set up as an administrative and consultative body within the health service, RPS deals with potential radiological emergencies in the Community of Valencia. As there is one nuclear power station in region, capabilities and procedures are in place for any radiological incident. In a radiological event, RPS can provide medical treatment of irradiated or contaminated people and has in place an experienced and qualified Biological Dosimetry Section.
La Fe University and Politechincal Hospital has designated reception areas for contaminated patients and laminar airflow units for ARS patients. Decontamination equipment and decorporation drugs are available. The hospital has 1000 patient rooms with three shielded rooms for I-131 therapy, one whole-body counter, three Gamma-cameras, one Pet-CT and three accelerators.