On Friday, the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe in Valencia welcomed the launch of the Gestión de la Imagen Medica Digital en la Comunitat (GIMD) project, with the creation of the Banco de Imágenes Medicas (BIMCV), aimed at the development of investigation and innovation, as part of the European project Euro-Biolmaging.
According to a statement released by the Valencian government, the project aims to create a structured and quality assessed framework for the distribution of biomedical and biological imaging, in correspondence with European regulations. The ‘Imagen Medica en la Comunitat’ (BIMCV) database will allow all healthcare departments and accredited institutions to access patient´s digital medical images, for teaching or enquiry purposes, from anywhere in the public healthcare network.
The conference relied upon the presence of the general director of Order, evaluation, investigation, quality and attention to patients Teresa de Rojas, who emphasised the importance of the development of structures and abilities in I+D+i, encouraging the quality and competition of investigation and innovation in health as a dynamic element in the healthcare system. The conference was also attended by the director of Hospital La Fe, Dr. Melchor Hoyos, the deputy director general of Sistemas de Informacion para la Salud, José M. Puig, the coordinator of the Red Valenciana de Biobancos, Jacobo Martínez, and the rector of the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Francisco J. Mora.
The network of public hospitals in Valencia has also been recognised by the European project EuroBiolmaging, as being the centre point of Nodo Emblemático para la Tecnología Específica de Imagen Poblacional. With the Conselleria de Sanidad, via Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia coordinate the Valencian node.
Dr. Luis Martí Bonmatí, in charge of the creation and principle components of this node, will be responsible for offering its services and relevant data to the ‘Imagen Poblacional’ and to other countries in the European Union. Dr. Luis Martí Bonmatí emphasized that they are hoping to develop the following aspects of the medical imaging – “support assistance, management, development of new processing programs or control of treatments, as well as technological projects and innovations related to medical imaging”.
Teresa de Rojas stressed that “the recognition of this node is a great example of well-doing and represents a step towards reaching the parameters of quality and competition that we hope for in our investigations and innovations in healthcare, and which ultimately result in a more effective, efficient and sustainable health service, and therefore, a better care for our patients”.